Organizers' Profile

Paruchuri Gopichand
Chief Organizer

Panchumarthi Nagasuseela
Associate Organizer
Prof Gopichand & Prof NagaSuseela have been teaching English Language and Literature for 27 years, guided 25 M.Phils ,together presented more than 70 research papers in International Conferences & Seminars and Symposia.; Chaired the Sessions, Presented Radio Talks, delivered 50 guest lectures on Communication Skills , Personality development, Phonetics, acted as Resource Persons, Organized 70 work shops, Seminars etc for teachers, lecturers and students in different colleges in our state. They are bilingual poets. They write poems, sonnets, haiku, Zen etc. So far they wrote1000 short &long poems in free verse, 4000 Haiku, 300 Zen, 300 Chowakshar, 100 Sparks, 100 Senolite, 50 Acrostic and 100 Wings both in English and Telugu. They translated many poems from Telugu to English. They wrote lessons to University material to Degree, P.G., and M. Phil courses.
Their articles have been published in many reputed journals and books. Their haiku have been awarded with fifteen gold, eleven silver & ten Bronze medals. So far they conducted 40 Workshops on ELT& CLT Techniques, Phonetic Skills, Organizing Skills, Creative Writing, Conversation Techniques, Personality Development, Communication Skills, Stress Mangament, Teaching Grammar through Games, Fun & Activities etc. for lecturers, teachers and students. They Published eighteen books: Anthologies of Poems (12): Heart-Throbs, A Posy of Poesy, Poets’ Paradise, The Fancy Realm, The Poetic Bliss, The Enchanted World, Rainbow Hues, Happy Isle, Chants of Peace, Symphony of Peace, Tranquil Muse Critical Books (7): Indian Drama in English: A Kaleidoscopic View, ‘A Spectrum of Indian Fiction in English’ Rabindranath Tagore: A Retrospection’ , ‘Perspectives on Indian Drama in English’, ‘Wonders and Splenders in Indian Fiction in English’, ‘The Said and The Unsaid Things of Indian Fiction in English’, Others(11): A Hand Book for all Occasions, No Longer at Ease, Sprouts, Mushrooms (A Collection of short verse),Voyage: A Collection of Short Stories; ‘A Hand Book on Communication Skills, Handbook on Proverbs, ‘Essential Letters’ Splendour (Collection of Short poems) Let Peace Prevail, Nature, Looking Glass; Their other books ‘A Hand Book on Phonetics, Conversation Skills, A Handbook on Grammar, Sparks, Handbook on Great Speeches are in the press. Organised Eleven self sponsored International Poetry Fests, UGC National Seminars on Indian Drama in English, Multi Culturalism, Human Values, Language and Literature, A National Symposium on “Emerging Communication Patterns in Digital World’ and an International Conference on ‘Novel issues in Indian Writing in English’.
They designed more than 200 Posters and greeting cards on issues like Seven Deadly Sins, Population, Pollution, Samson, Women, Friendship, Ragging, Classroom Conversations, Phonetic Alphabet etc. They also designed 25 different teaching aids like CDs, Charts, Role-Play cards, IPA Visiting cards etc. They compiled 7 CDs for Teaching and Learning Communication Skills under the title Propelling Excellence They are the South Zone EC members in AIETC. Their profiles have been enlisted in the Biography India and the 4th & 7th volumes of Young Asian Admirable Achievers Reference Book. They were awarded Great Indian Citizen Award-2011, Jewel of India Gold Award-2011, Vocational Excellence Award - 2010(Rotaract), Bharat Excellence Award-2010, Best Personalities of India Award 2010, and eight Gold Medals for their outstanding services to society, achievements & contribution in their fields. Michael Madhusuadan Academy, Kolkata honoured them with the ‘International Sattyendranath Smriti Award for their outstanding intellectual literary contribution through out India. In 2012, they received Michael Mudhusudan Award , Swami Vivekananda International Award and in 2013 Rajiv Gandhi Arch For Excellence Award and Bharat Shiksha Award for their services to society and literature. The Little Cross of Literature in 2016, World Icons of Peace Award in 2017 & 2018, Featured Poets of Pentasi-B World-2017, International Humanitarian Award in 2018, Sahithya Shree Award in 2018, World Epitome Humanity Award -2018, International Icon of Literarture Mewadev Laurel Award-2018 .At present they are working as Associate Professors in the Dept of English, J.K.C.College, Guntur, A.P. Mr Gopichand is the Vice Principal- JKC COLLEGE, Vice-Chairman to IQAC Wing